Big 5 Personality Test - Extraversion Trait Domain


This test measures the Big 5 trait domain of Extraversion.

Extraversion is characterized by a person's level of outgoingness, sociability, assertiveness, and energetic behavior.

High Extraversion

Some positives:
  • Confidence: People with high levels of extraversion are often confident and comfortable in social situations, making them easy to approach and engage with.
  • Charismatic: They are often charismatic and have a natural ability to attract and engage with others, making them popular and well-liked.
  • Energy: High extraverts are often energetic and enthusiastic, which can be contagious and bring excitement to social situations.
  • Good communication skills: They are often skilled communicators and enjoy expressing themselves, which can lead to effective and persuasive conversations.
  • Strong relationships: High extraverts are often able to form strong relationships with others and enjoy a rich social network.
Some negatives:
  • Overbearing: People with high levels of extraversion may be perceived as overbearing or attention-seeking, which can lead to social discomfort.
  • Impulsive: They may act impulsively, without considering the consequences of their actions, which can lead to negative outcomes.
  • Lack of introspection: High extraverts may struggle with introspection and self-reflection, leading to a limited understanding of themselves and their motivations.
  • Difficulty with solitude: They may have difficulty with solitude and may become bored or restless without social stimulation.
  • Inability to listen: High extraverts may struggle with actively listening to others and may dominate conversations, leading to poor communication skills.

Low Extraversion

Some positives:
  • Independent: People with low levels of extraversion are often independent and self-reliant, which can be empowering.
  • Good listeners: They are often good listeners and enjoy spending time alone, which can lead to a deeper understanding of themselves and others.
  • Creative: Low extraverts are often creative and enjoy spending time pursuing their passions, which can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Thoughtful: They are often thoughtful and reflective, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the world and themselves.
  • Good decision-makers: They may be more thoughtful and introspective in their decision-making, leading to more well-considered choices.
Some negatives:
  • Difficulty with socializing: People with low levels of extraversion may struggle with socializing and may feel uncomfortable in social situations.
  • Shyness: They may be perceived as shy, which can limit their opportunities for social and professional growth.
  • Isolation: Low extraverts may struggle with loneliness and feelings of isolation, especially if they are not adequately engaged in meaningful relationships.
  • Difficulty with assertiveness: They may struggle with assertiveness and may have difficulty standing up for themselves in social and professional situations.
  • Overthinking: People with low levels of extraversion may struggle with overthinking and indecision, leading to missed opportunities and ineffective decision-making.


This test consists of 20 statements. Rate each statement as to how accurately or inaccurately it describes you.

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