Big 5 Personality Test - Neuroticism Trait Domain


This test measures the Big 5 trait domain of Neuroticism. The Neuroticism trait is sometimes referred to as Emotional Stability. Neuroticism has an inverse relationship with Emotional Stability (i.e., a high score on Neuroticism indicates a low score on Emotional Stability and vice versa).

Neuroticism is characterized by an individual's tendency to experience negative emotions, such as anxiety, worry, guilt, and sadness, and to react strongly to stress and uncertainty.

High Neuroticism

Some positives:
  • Enhanced empathy: People with high levels of neuroticism are often highly sensitive to the emotions and feelings of others, which can make them more empathetic and understanding.
  • Increased awareness of danger: Neuroticism can lead individuals to be more cautious and vigilant, helping them to prepare for and avoid potential dangers.
  • Self-awareness: Neuroticism can drive individuals towards introspection and self-reflection, leading to greater self-awareness.
  • Creative problem-solving: The tendency to overthink and analyze situations can result in innovative solutions to challenges.
  • Strong intuition: People with high neuroticism may have a well-developed intuition, allowing them to make informed decisions.
Some negatives:
  • Anxiety: High levels of neuroticism are often associated with generalized anxiety, panic disorder, and other forms of anxiety disorders.
  • Mood swings: People with high neuroticism are prone to sudden and intense mood swings, making it difficult for them to maintain stable and positive relationships.
  • Perfectionism: They may strive for perfection and have difficulty accepting their limitations and mistakes.
  • Health concerns: Chronic stress and anxiety associated with high neuroticism can contribute to physical health problems, such as headaches, digestive issues, and cardiovascular disease.
  • Difficulty coping: People high in neuroticism may have difficulty coping with stress and may turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or overeating.

Low Neuroticism

Some positives:
  • Emotional stability: People low in neuroticism are characterized by a more even-keeled emotional state and greater emotional stability.
  • Confidence: They tend to be confident in their abilities and decisions, and are less likely to experience self-doubt or negative self-talk.
  • Resilience: Low neuroticism is often linked to greater resilience in the face of stress and adversity.
  • Positive outlook: Individuals with low neuroticism tend to have a more optimistic outlook on life and are less likely to ruminate on negative thoughts.
  • Strong relationships: Low neuroticism is associated with more stable and positive relationships, as individuals are less prone to mood swings and emotional instability.
Some negatives:
  • Difficulty recognizing and managing emotions: Low neuroticism can sometimes lead individuals to ignore or suppress their emotions, making it difficult to manage them effectively.
  • Inability to connect with others: People with low neuroticism may have difficulty connecting with others and relating to their emotions.
  • Lack of sensitivity: The emotional stability and optimism associated with low neuroticism may come at the cost of empathy and sensitivity to others' feelings.
  • Risk-taking behavior: Low neuroticism may lead individuals to take unnecessary risks, as they are less likely to consider the potential consequences.
  • Lack of introspection: People with low neuroticism may be less likely to engage in self-reflection and introspection, potentially leading to a lack of self-awareness.


This test consists of 20 statements. Rate each statement as to how accurately or inaccurately it describes you.

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