Big 5 Personality Test - Openness to Experience Trait Domain


This test measures the Big 5 trait domain of Openness to Experience.

Openness to Experience is characterized by imagination, creativity, and a preference for variety.

High Openness to Experience

Some positives:
  • Creativity: People with high levels of openness are often imaginative and creative, leading to innovative ideas and solutions.
  • Open-mindedness: They are often open-minded and willing to consider new ideas and perspectives, which can lead to personal growth and learning.
  • Intellectual curiosity: High openness individuals have a strong drive to learn and are intellectually curious, which can lead to a deep understanding of the world.
  • Emotional expressiveness: They are often emotionally expressive and in touch with their feelings, which can lead to deeper self-awareness and empathy for others.
  • Adventure-seeking: Individuals with high openness may have a strong desire for new experiences and may be more likely to seek out adventure and excitement.
Some negatives:
  • Impulsiveness: People with high levels of openness may act impulsively, without considering the consequences of their actions, which can lead to negative outcomes.
  • Disorganization: They may struggle with organization and prioritizing tasks, leading to missed deadlines and disarray.
  • Difficulty with routine: Individuals with high openness may struggle with routine and may become bored with repetitive tasks, leading to a lack of follow-through.
  • Emotional instability: High openness individuals may experience fluctuations in their emotions and may struggle with regulating their emotions, leading to mood swings.
  • Non-traditional thinking: They may struggle with conventional thinking and may be perceived as unconventional or radical, which can limit their opportunities for social and professional growth.

Low Openness to Experience

Some positives:
  • Practicality: People with low levels of openness are often practical and grounded, which can lead to effective problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Dependability: They are often dependable and responsible, which can be valuable in personal and professional relationships.
  • Stability: Individuals with low openness may have a strong sense of stability and consistency, which can provide a sense of security and comfort.
  • Conventional thinking: Low openness individuals may be more inclined to conventional thinking and may be comfortable with established norms and routines, which can limit disruptions and unexpected change.
  • Focus: They may be highly focused and may have a clear sense of direction, which can lead to a high level of productivity and efficiency.
Some negatives:
  • Resistance to change: People with low levels of openness may resist change and be unwilling to consider new ideas and perspectives, which can limit personal growth and learning.
  • Inflexibility: Low openness individuals may struggle with flexibility and may become rigid in their thinking, leading to poor problem-solving skills.
  • Lack of creativity: They may struggle with creativity and may have a limited imagination, which can limit their ability to generate innovative ideas.
  • Narrow-mindedness: Individuals with low openness may have a narrow perspective and may struggle with empathy, leading to a lack of understanding of others.
  • Fear of the unknown: They may struggle with uncertainty and may have a fear of the unknown, which can limit their willingness to pursue new opportunities and experiences.


This test consists of 20 statements. Rate each statement as to how accurately or inaccurately it describes you.

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